Monday, October 6, 2008

Ooohh Aahh Aahh Ooohh

On Saturday morning, I opened my eyes to see a pink monkey screaming oohh aaahh aaah oohh in my face. Mind you, it was 3 am. My little Izzy was running through the house at 3 am making monkey sounds. I pulled her into bed with me and luckily, she fell right back asleep. I was not so fortunate. So I took this picture as pay back. She looked so cute sleeping but the flash on the camera woke her up. In retrospect, this was not such a good idea because she was up for the second time during the night and I paid for it all day. I had a lot of my mind this weekend for a lot of different reasons. Most of the time I was too confused to think. But when I went through my camera and saw this picture, everything started making sense again. There is a reason that Chase and I do what we do. We have to keep our little monkey happy.

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