Monday, October 5, 2009


So I'm having one of those weeks. Yes, it's only Monday but I'm going into week three of being back to work and its not getting easier. In fact, its getting much harder. Last night I was trying to think of ways to simplify my life and I thought of giving up nursing my little baby. I believe in the mantra breast is best and while it has been very difficult, I think its really important. I was struggling with this thought when I ran across this photo on a blog of a girl I went to high school with (I love the blog so much because I'm oft inspired by things I read on there though I assume she would think I was a psycho if she knew I read it everyday). This is a picture of a lady who had twins and was wrongly told that she couldn't produce milk for both and opted to breastfeed her son and bottle fed her daughter. The little girl died shortly after this photo was taken. Formula in third world countries is often too expensive for the everyday family and so they supplement with too much water (which obviously I wouldn't do). But for now, this photo has given me the strength to keep feeding little Cam Cam and pumping at work to keep my supply up. Maybe (& this is a novel concept coming up here folks so brace yourselves) I'll start laying out clothes and finding matching socks the night before to save myself time instead.

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