Monday, June 21, 2010

Sunday School Lesson Gone Awry

“Don’t worry Cam Cam. Jesus Christ will save you.”

When I heard this, I was debating in my head whether or not I should be concerned. I was lying in bed, trying to enjoy a little Sunday nap and I was really hoping that the girls, who were also supposed to be napping, would at least be quiet enough to let me pretend that I was getting a break.

But there was something in Izzy’s tone of voice. She said it in a “I’m your leader now come drink the KoolAid” kind of way. And it was followed by little Cambri squeals.

So I got out of bed. As I was walking across the hall, I head Izzy say “This will only hurt a little.”

You can imagine my concern.

You see when I put the girls down for a nap, Izzy single handedly moved Cambri’s crib over right to her bed so they could sleep together (the crib is on wheels so this is not an overly magnificent feat). It was pretty cute so naïve mother thought it would work out. At some point during said nap, Izzy decided beds next to each other was not good enough, thus crawled into Cam Cam’s crib and attempted to boost baby up and drop her over the edge onto the twin bed. When Cambri put up a struggle, Izzy applied earlier learned Sunday school lesson of Jesus to try and make baby relax enough so she could be lifted and dropped.

Does any of this make sense to those of you who weren’t there?

I would take a picture but I fear that any encouraged reenactment would be seen as a seal of approval on bad behavior. My description will have to suffice. Here is a picture of the beds together though.

Next week Izzy’s Sunday school class will be going over Ruth as a faithful servant. Anyone else out there fearing for Cambri yet?

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