Friday, February 20, 2009

It's Jade! Not Really...

Welcome to American Baby magazine. I get this for free my doctor every month and I usually quickly scan and toss. Another reason that landfills are out of control (I have actually tried refusing the magazine, but it doesn't seem to work). This month, Isabelle has become convinced that this is Jade on the cover. Obviously, it is not, because Jade is much cuter. But it you kind of squint and tilt your head a little, I guess you could made see some similarities. Isabelle is 100% convinced that it is. She has been carrying it around telling everyone, "That's Jade." Our checker at Target asked me if we really knew this little girl. When I said no, Isabelle looked and me and said, "Mommy, that's Jade. You know, she lives with Ryan and Micki." Thanks for the clarification Izzy! Unfortunately though, that is not correct. I have to pry it out of her hands in the morning when I drop her off and its the first thing that she grabs when she gets back in the car. She is very proud of her pretend cousin for being on a national magazine cover and all.

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