Friday, February 6, 2009

Crazy Cousins

So I lied about the better photography. This whole thing happened so fast that I didn’t have a chance to grab my camera and had to use my phone once again. We went over to Ryan & Nicki’s last night and the girls were being amazingly quiet. I wish I had a before picture so that you could see that when we arrived, Nicole had a spotless rob with a made bed. Somewhere along the line, the girls moved Jade’s entire room into her parent’s room, I assume so they could play while watching TV. What can I say? They’re Burkes. Burkes are TV addicts. Stuffed animals, blankets and tons of little toys were everywhere. The mess even extended out of this picture, I know because I stepped on a play fork while taking it. Earlier, Nicole headed back to put little Mia to bed and next thing I knew, she was calling for Ryan. I knew right then that my child was somehow involved in something. It was crazy! Later that night, Isabelle came back into the living room wearing Jade’s pjs. The kid just makes herself at home wherever she goes. But Jade and Izzy were super cute last night and hugs were plentiful. Needless to say, Izzy didn’t want to come home with her lame parents when she was having so much fun with Jade!

1 comment:

Nic said...

People should pay us to have their children. We have cute kids!