Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I want Daddy

Izzy rounded the corner last night at the day care, took one look at me, said “Nope, I want Daddy,” and returned to her seat on the couch. You can only imagine how good this was for my self esteem. You can’t leave the tile at day care unless you take off your shoes, so I had to wait for one of the employees to drag my child to me kicking and screaming. I asked if I could leave her there overnight, and they laughed, not knowing that I was serious. It is always hard to adjust Izzy back into being a Mommy’s girl for the first few days. But we had such a good week last week that I’m still energized. For the time being. I went to the Apple to work out last night and I was on the treadmill next to a girl watching a movie on her Ipod. She told me that she watched Mr. & Mrs. Smith while she worked out in order to motivate herself to look like Angelina Jolie. I told her if that was the case, I should watch old episodes of The View so that I could aspire to look like Rosie O. As you can tell, it was a long day for me. Chase and I went to Ashton last weekend to help my Grandma with her new door knobs. We had a really good time and Izzy didn’t want to leave. Of course, the puppy did want to leave because Izzy strangled him the entire time in the car. She loves him so much! Chase got out of the car to install his Valentine’s Day present (custom taillights) and you can see how excited Izzy was to be stuck with me. Why doesn’t my child love me? I think she does but Daddy has become a fun novelty and that outweighs me for the time being. This morning, Izzy was so good that I almost didn't recognize her. We only had a couple of moments instead of our usual breakdowns.

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