Monday, November 2, 2009

I Hate Toys “R” Us

Hate may be a strong word for a store that I don’t believe to be intrinsically evil. But they know how to market to children and they take full advantage of the power. I have tried very hard to keep Izzy primarily focused on PBS for this reason as well. Toy commercials do weird things to kids. But back to the point of this story, yesterday Toy “R” Us released their “Biggest Big Book Ever!”

I woke up yesterday morning to my daughter saying, “Grandma, will you buy me this? And this? And this?” To which my mother was responding with, “We’ll see. We’ll just have to see. Is that all you want?” When Grandma failed to tell her what she wanted to hear, she just skipped right over me and went straight to Dad. When I heard her little voice on the phone say “Daddy, will you buy me the pink car?,” I should have known I was in trouble. I start hearing Chase say something to the effect that if Izzy is really good for Mom this week and used the toilet, he would take her to the store when he got home for her pink car.

I was screaming NOOOO inside my head and trying to get the phone from Izzy. Because while I’m sure Chase assumed he was committing himself to something like this:

He actually agreed to buy this.

I guess I'm in a predicwhat.

1 comment:

Golicova Family said...

I'm sorry Kate. The whole car thing is my fault. Blame me.