Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Perfect Wife

Can I just say that I work with some amazing people? I love coming to work mainly for my coworkers. At both malls, I consider these people to be my friends above anything else. But lately I have been thinking about how lucky I am to have two especially wise ladies that I can count on to keep my head clear and my mind focused on the bigger pictures of life. Kelly is sooooo smart! One of the things I like best about her is her ability to look past the actions and see the intent of any given situation (especially of husbands, its her gift ;). Trust me when I say there have been a lot of times when I have been grumbling about people when she makes me see that said persons heart has been in the right place. For example, I once told her how frustrated I am because I will try to do nice little things for Chase, like buy him something special at the grocery store or run an errand for him, but he never seems to reciprocate without being asked. And she pointed out that if I was only doing it to receive something in return then I wasn’t doing these things for the right reasons and that when you give a gift, you really shouldn’t expect anything in return or it’s not really a gift. Like I said, I love her because she is so smart! She has listened to me so long some days that most people would probably have told me to take a hike. But she never does. She lets me vent and then points out the most insightful things that really add value to my life. And I also have Sherri. Let me tell you, Sherri has sent me home in tears more than once. Not because she has been mean or anything but because she makes me think about hard things. Just last week, she told me that the biggest obstacle for her in getting over her husbands passing is looking back and seeing little things that she would have changed and situations she would have reacted differently in. And now she is working on fixing them moving forward in her current relationships but what she really wants to do is go back and correct them for him, which isn’t possible. This of course got me thinking about things I would want to do differently. And it’s not too late for me, so I shouldn’t wait. I seriously woke up at 2 am bawling because I was remembering times where I have been a little too demanding and EXTREMELY unforgiving and I don’t want to wake up here on earth one day without Chase and have to remember these things. I keep telling Sherri that she is my therapist and it’s her job to teach me her life lessons. I’m sure she enjoys the job (insert sarcasm here). But she has always been very open and that is one of things I appreciate the most about her. Now don’t you all see how lucky I am? If someone could combine these two ladies in my head, Chase would have the perfect wife.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are the sweet one Katie! To let a couple of old ladies mother you all the time and not take offense. Thanks for being so patient. Kelly