Monday, November 9, 2009

Not Picasso

Well everyone, after a week off, I have a plethora of things to write about. But what I need help with now is releasing some guilt. My child loves to draw and she uses her mediocre ability to churn out at least a 100 “projects” a day. And lucky me, her preschool thinks enough of her talent to save them for me. Every single day, I dread opening her locker because I know I will have a ton of extra paper to haul home with me, hence the problem. I feel bad about getting rid of them. But my entire fridge is covered. My car is full. I have no more room but after they have taken the time to teach her, written her name on them and trekked them to the locker for me, I feel like a bad parent not keeping them, like I'm not as vested as some parents. But the clutter is starting to pile up and this in not a good thing. I want to leave my adult daughter a legacy of her childhood but this is getting out on control as she is by no means a child prodigy. So someone either needs to tell me its ok to throw them out or offer me a name of a good storage company. HELP!


The Cook Nook said...

Maybe it's time for Izzy to have a recycling "project." She can pick her 5 favorites and keep them on the fridge, and the rest go to the recyclers.

Golicova Family said...

Someone told me they scan their childrens "art work" and then they have an electronic copy of it.