Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Holly Anne

Introducing my new feel good moment!

This is the reason that I’m loving Facebook today. I love talking to old friends and seeing how accomplished they are in their new lives. I stole this picture off Holly’s Facebook page, though I have an original copy so maybe the word stealing is a little harsh, but I wanted to post it so she would know that I was thinking about her. I always loved this picture of her. When I saw her name come across my inbox with a friend request, I had another one of those moments where I just felt normal again. I can’t describe it but I just felt a little more complete. We had so much fun and though the words “Charlie’s Angels Tolietpapering Experience” probably won’t mean anything to anyone else, I know Holly will understand. And then there will be two people laughing at the story I’m reliving in my head…

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