Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Izzy's Baby

I honestly feel as though these days I’m in pure survival mode. I know this is sad because I still have three months to go but essentially being a single parent at home has worn on me harder than I could have ever imagined. That being said, Izzy and I are starting to fall into a routine, which is good for high spirited children and their incredibly tired pregnant mothers. Every morning we wake up and play for a few minutes and then I turn on Sesame Street for Izzy while I get in the shower. This morning I heard Izzy screaming for me. I jumped out of the shower and went running into my room and she had the most serious look on her face. She was holding her shirt up and said, “Mommy, come here and give me your hands.” At this point I’m a little freaked out because she had this strange look on her face but I gave her my hands, which she put on her belly. Then she said, “Can you feel it? My baby broder Ewwellot is moving!” It was so cute but I was trying not to laugh because it was so real to her. I then felt her little belly growl and I realized she thought she had a baby in there because I’m always trying to get her to feel my belly. I told her that her belly was emptier than a gay club on straight night but that kind of went over her head. A bowl of cereal later we were good to go. I only wish I had my camera because it was so sweet.

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