Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter 2009

I got another one of those little surprises when I left work on Friday. Izzy and Chase were walking to the back door to meet me. Chase wasn’t supposed to be home until Sunday evening, so I was kind of dreading another weekend of entertaining myself. So you can imagine how excited I was. The weekend was essentially uneventful but it was nice to spend some time with my hubby. Chase took Izzy to the park to Easter Egg Hunt. I refused to go because I couldn’t stomach the thought of dealing with all of those kids. We had Radu and Paula over for dinner which was so much fun. I even cooked dinner, which I was proud of. As soon as he found out I was cooking, Chase began saying that we should just take them out. I told him I could do it but he was a nonbeliever. He even pulled out the Pizza Hut coupons 30 minutes before they arrived as a backup. But I did it! I thought it turned out good and everyone ate it, so I took it as a good sign. Paula asked Chase why he was so quiet during dinner and then followed it up with this statement, “Is it the food poisoning setting in?” I hope she was just joking. On Easter, Izzy actually tried to sleep in but Chase couldn’t take it anymore and woke her up. She was excited to see what the Easter Bunny brought her for “Christmas”. Anytime she gets any kind of gift these days, she assumes its Christmas.
Izzy did dress herself, I promise.

Once Izzy saw that Grandpa was going for a ride on Easter, she has to be involved. She could of cared less about her attire, she just wanted to ride.

Gordy never gives up.

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