Sunday, April 11, 2010

Massive Trauma

It's official. I have become one of those parents that puts their kid down in the chair in the font of Claire's and lets a stranger manhandle their child in front of tons of concerned citizens. Trust me when I say the other patrons probably thought I was killing my child because you could hear the screams from outside of the building.

But what is done is done and Izzy now has pierced ears.

Doesn't Izzy look excited?

She doesn't realize that her mother is about to torture her in the name of cuteness.

Still excited.

A little more concerned.

Putting on a brave face.

Processing what just happened.

Major trauma.

In all fairness, Izzy has been asking to get her ears pierced for a couple of weeks. I tried pinching her and giving her a little taste and she still wanted to go through it. But now she has been running around telling everyone that the mean people at the mall "hurt her really bad". One thing these pictures don't show is the shaking, sweating mommy in the background who felt like an extremly bad parent for the rest of the day.

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