Tuesday, September 27, 2011

SPAN Idaho (with love)

Did you know that you can make a difference in someone's life? You can save the one. Literally. It's the little things peeps.

Sometimes it feels hard but with a little compassion, we can change an outcome. When Paula and I heard that Idaho's Suicide Pervention Action Network was having an awareness walk, we thought it would a great opportunity to pass the message on to our kids. That you can be a vital component in giving someone hope.

And it really was. Except for the loud people participating.

Oh wait, that was our kids. 

As you can tell, my photo documenation of the event is lacking. I could have tried harder.

But I can say that I honestly felt a lot of hope as we walked around Community Part. A lot of people, along with city council members and, most importantly, people who have been directly affected by suicide showed up. People that honestly wanted to "save the one."

At the end of the walk, survivors lit a candle for their lost ones. The ones that can no longer be saved but are in a better place.

So let's challege each other peeps. What can we do to inspire hope today?

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