Sunday, August 9, 2009

Like Mommy, Like Baby

This picture is a reenactment of something that happened while we were visiting Chase in Utah. Izzy, Cambri and I were in shopping in Walmart and all of a sudden I noticed that people were staring at me and one guy even pointed at me. I had just used the restroom so I thought that I had tucked my dress in funny or had toliet paper stuck to my shoes or something. All of a sudden, I look down and Izzy (who is riding in the front of the cart) has her shirt lifted, her hand clamped to the back of the baby's neck and she is nursing her doll. She is casually looking around while her baby is eating. Her shirt in this picture is a lot more flowing than the one she was wearing that day. In Utah, she was wearing just a basic tshirt and she was holding it up well over her shoulder. I told her that the baby was done and she needed to put the baby down. Then she told me, "Nope, she still needs to eat from the other side still." She then proceeds to move the baby to the other side. I'm sometimes shocked at how much this kid picks up and applies to her own life.

1 comment:

Ruby Susan said...

I love this story, Katie. Aaron used to nurse his doll, Jill, while I nursed Jamie!