Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I'm UnIdahoan

I was told by a coworker that I was unIdahoan.

I rectified the problem.

So now it's official, I AM an Idahoan. Forget the fact that I was born and raised here.

The peeps and I went to Bear World, a place I had never been to. Which I guess makes you unIdahoan. But now I have been. And let me tell you peeps, I found the whole experience to be exciting. The not-so-exciting part? It cost us $55. Wowza.

We saw an Albino Elk.

And we saw super cute bear cubs.

The most random part of the day was when this huge A grizzly bear parked himself in the middle of the road and wouldn't move. Yet the employee opened the gate out and motioned us to continue driving with no regard to the beast that less than five feet away from him.

Chase used the car to nudge the 1000+ bear out the way. And the bear didn't even care. Isn't there something wrong with a wild animal that doesn't react to a car pushing it away? What are we doing to the animals?

Not that I'm some kind of weird bear lover. I actually think the wild would be more enjoyable for me if all bears went away. But being that they are here, are we allowed to make freak shows out of them?


Cambri thought sitting next to this deer was awesome. I couldn't pull her away. I did object when she moved in for kisses. I had no idea what kind of diseases to fear but I know there are some.
Chase had fun because he talked Paula and I into stopping to fish. Seriously, he likes to fish more than he likes me. I'm probably not even lying.


Golicova Family said...

Whoever called you unIdahoan has never heard you sing the song naming all the counties in Idaho. Seriously, how do you know ALL of them.

The Lanier Family said...

Uh, yeah Paula, there are 44 of them. didn't you attend the fourth grade in idaho?

ada, adams, bannock, bearlake, benewah, bingham, there in our state...

Golicova Family said...

No I did not attend the fourth grade in Idaho. I think both of you have way too much free time or something. OOOO, I can name all of the helping verbs. :)