Friday, March 26, 2010

Thank You

In less than a month, not only has my entire life changed but I seriously have forgotten how to blog. I simply cannot remember how it feels to be happy and just relax enough to record day to day things. But in the interest of leaving some kind of long term legacy to my kids, I want to thank some people that touched me in a way that I could never describe adequately in this forum. I want Isabelle and Cambri to see how amazing people were to us in this difficult time because without some of this help I would have never had made it (I still might not).

My Coworkers (Sherri, Kelly, Bryce, Dawn, Tamye, Marcia, Angie, Jeff & Val)- All of these people picked up the slack and told me not to worry about anything. From the second that I called to let them know my mother was in the hospital, I was relieved from all work assignments and stress and told to concentrate on my family. I really wish that I had enough remembrance to account for everything all of these people did for me but you get my drift that I am so lucky to have such awesome coworkers. Flowers, food, books and overall friendship and support were all part of the equation.

Holly- My dear friend. Thank you so much for the beautiful flowers and all of your concern.

Paula- THANK YOU! I know that I was a zombie (& still am) out of shock and you really helped me pick up all the pieces. Volunteering to stay home from your dream vacation was really above and beyond. Izzy owes her top notch dance performance to your kindness. Love you.

Jana- Thank you for dropping everything to come and be with me. Cleaning my house, doing my laundry and everything else that I can’t remember. I owe you a big one.

Ryan & Nicole-I really can’t find the right words to thank you both. I’m just so grateful that we are family.

Stuart-You kept my head above water at school and I'm so thankful for you!

Extended Family-All of you (both mine and Chase’s) dropped everything to make your way to Idaho or send positive thoughts. I will never forget. Thank you!

Cyndy- Thanks dear Auntie for everything. You really helped us all with so much when none of us could think straight.

Bev- My grandma dropped everything and raced to Idaho Falls where she held our hands and let us cry on her shoulder for days. Thank you Gma.

Chasey- And of course my best husband who knows me better than anyone. Love you!

I know there are some people missing off this list but this has been more emotional that I assumed it would be and need to stop. I just wanted to let everyone know how much I appreciate them. More to come. Please forgive typos, misspellings and other general grammatical flaws. I hope my intent of thankfulness comes through...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you for you have done alos, katie. Without you it would have been much worse to get through. Love Dad