Thursday, July 23, 2009


Ironically, Izzy loves being a big sister. We had our concerns because of her personality but she has done really well. She loves running to her baby sister whenever she hears any noises. Two nights ago, she got up at 2 in the morning and sat with me while I fed the baby. Right now, Isabelle is screaming into my ear and I'm having a hard time appreciating her. In fact, I would gladly take a walk by myself for a second but this is obviously not an option. We are currently held up in a hotel room for day number 4 and I feel like the walls are starting to close in. It's over a 100 degrees here in Utah and going outside with a newborn doesn't make a lot of sense. So we are trying to keep occupied through the indoor pool, books, TV and other games. It's been really nice spending evenings with Chase but I'm starting to miss the comforts of being in my own home. Mainly because of at least being able to put Izzy in her room for naptime. Never underestimate a good nap.

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