Sunday, July 3, 2011

Life As of Late

Ok so you are all probably dying to know what life at the Burke house is like.

I just know it.

Actually you probably don't care but that's ok. I'm hoping you will join us for this little adventure anyway.

Where to begin?

Well, we just got done with swim lessons. Which meant a trip off the diving board and a little note from the teacher saying Izzy isn't quite "focused" enough and another try at Eel would probably be best.

We went bowling and Izzy randomly became a "Woohoo" girl. Even a gutter ball was reason to throw her arms in the air and shout "Wooooohoooooo."

Izzy and Cambri started sharing a bed. A twin wasn't really made for two but they are little. It's actually been startling for me to have a baby with access to the house at all hours. Her preferred way of waking me up at 2 a.m.? A quick slap to the face.

And we have throw A LOT of fits. We are super good at it.

One of the BESTEST things we have done this summer is gone fishing with a puppy.

Just in case you are wondering, basset hounds are the cutest puppies EVER. I was so thankful Chase didn't meet her because we probably would have our own by now if he did. They are that cute.

Besides the puppy we have already withstands a large amount of abuse. Like having his nose blown by a concerned two year old. 

And we made sand angels with good friends. Not in a crazy thirty year old housewife on a crowded beach kind of way. Just a normal we are bored in a small town kind of way.

And we took the girls to the circus. Chase had never been before. And he's almost 30.

When he took the girls on an elephant ride, the elephant snotted all over him.

So disgusting! The little girls went on a pony ride. You'll notice the responsible parent (me!) was holding on to Mia's arm with a death grip. She was my responsibility and I didn't want her to get hurt.

You'll also notice that the irresponsible parent isn't even in the picture below with his two-year-old responsibility. In fact he wasn't even with reaching distance of my baby. And the Carnie (that word seems to have a negative connotation but it shouldn't, its a J-O-B) had to yell at him! Those poor animals were hustling it around that ring.

So that is really our summer so far. It's been low key but relaxing.

Oh yeah, we also found our cowgirl hats. They have only been missing for like a year.

So life is good at the Burke house.

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