Monday, September 29, 2008


This weekend started very badly for me. I was extremely tired and Izzy was not on her best behavior. On Saturday, when I started doing laundry for the weekend, I realized that I still had a load in the dryer left over from last weekend. I felt like such a failure. It actually brought me to tears and I felt very overwhelmed. I know that some failures can be turned into success if you learn from them, but what happens if you are a failure at your entire life? So I decided that I needed to see Chase. I packed Izzy up and we drove down to Utah so that Chase could make me feel better. I just felt like we should all be together so that I wouldn’t have time to feel sad. It was Randy’s (Chase’s stepdad) birthday so we got to meet his family and it was fun. We also took Izzy on her first four wheeler ride through Eureka. She was extremely hesitant at first but when we took off, she loved it. We went and look down on old mine shaft that hasn’t been sealed up. It’s crazy because you just feel cool air coming out of the hole. We dropped a rock down it and we didn’t even hear it land, it is that deep! Then we went to the Eureka Cemetery and that was kind of sad because it is not in very good condition. We were walking through and I looked down and we were standing on an old headstone that has been taken over by weeds. This person had died in the early 1900’s and no one was left to take care of their final resting place. I just thought to myself that while this person is in a better place, they were once someone else’s baby while they were here on earth and I wouldn’t want anyone in my family to be treated that way. After our ride, I really didn’t want to leave and come back and face my empty house, so I stayed in Eureka until almost 9pm. I was so tired driving home. Those who know me know that I’m not a night person. I started reciting the presidents in order of their presidential terms. That kept me busy but not for long enough. So then I switched to the states and their capital cities. But I just kept picturing my nice warm (though empty and lonely) bed and I finally made it, safe and sound.

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