Thursday, May 15, 2014

Why I have to quit bible study

My husband, Chase, is on the road for work at least three weeks out of the month, so I refer to myself as "Pseudo Single." It's a new martial status I'm hoping catches on. I'll let you know.

I feel like it describes a great deal of women in Idaho Falls so it’s a title we can all share. We are in the parenting trenches by ourselves a great deal of the time because our men are committed to taking care of their families. There are a lot worse things out there. Plus it helps us realize the single parents in our community deserve a big hug. Every. Single. Day. This is really just an extra long introduction to the story I’m about to share. I wanted you to have all the background information. 

On Thursday nights, I go to a ladies Bible study at my church. It is one night a week where I take the mom hat off for a couple of hours. But since my husband isn’t around to help with the kiddos most weeks, I’ve had to outsource the job. By outsourcing, I mean, I drop the kids off at my dad’s house because his services are reasonably priced. By reasonably priced, I mean they’re free. My kids love it because, most of the time, it means pancakes for dinner. The times they don’t love it means my dad served “Chuck’s Surprise” which is just a soupy mixture of everything in the fridge that’s past the expiration date. I only wish I was kidding. 
Last week, I dropped them off like normal and went about my night. When I arrived to pick them up, no one was home. Mildly concerned because it was a school night, I picked up the cell phone and started to investigate.

Chuck: Hello
Katie: Hey, I’m at your house and I appear to be the only one.
Chuck: Oh, we’re in Fort Hall.
Katie: What the what?
Chuck: Not at the casino. Driving around the back country.
Katie: Oh phew. That doesn’t sound crazy or anything.
Chuck: I’m responding to a free listing I saw on Craigslist.
Katie: That sounds reasonable and prudent. Hey did you ever figure out how to use the email app on the new smartphone?
Chuck: I think so.
Katie: Sweet. I’m going to send you a few articles about how MURDERS BAIT PEOPLE THROUGH FREE CRAIGSLIST ADS.

By this point, I was starting to question whether or not I was overpaying my babysitter. I understand the concept of “beggars can’t be choosers” but something about my kids driving around the country at nine o’clock at night so my dad could check out a “free” horse seemed to suggest that his reasoning skills may be a little suspect.

The last time I bought something off Craiglist, I called and begged my brother-in-law to drive out to Firth with me just in case the person selling the children’s desk had dishonorable intentions. When the seller opened the doors and turned out to be a beautiful nine-month pregnant women, my brother-in-law rolled his eyes at me and got back in the truck. Maybe the problem lies in me, I’m not sure. I’m going to work on trusting more.

Back to my story. I spent the next hour pacing around my house. I was ready to jump in my car and go get them when my dad pulled into my driveway with my kids and his new horse in tow. It appears this Craigslist man wasn’t a serial killer just someone who no longer wanted his horse. My kids had to be dragged out of bed and force fed before school the next morning but appeared no worse for the wear.

This situation turned out okay but it begs the question if whether free babysitting is worth the price. I guess I’ll have to ponder on it for a few years. Then, hopefully, they’ll be old enough to watch themselves. Until then, here’s hoping it all goes well. 

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