Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Teeth

I know I'm not one of "Those" Moms.

I don't worry about being perfect.

I don't worry about being 100% nutritious 100% of the time.

I don’t make my kids eat all of their dinner before dessert (unless we are invited guests at someone’s house but that is more bare minimum common courtesy).

I don’t keep my three year old within an arms distance at all times. In fact, I think it’s perfectly acceptable to send her to the restroom alone in the restaurant (I know I may be alone is this belief but telling her to look for the stick figure that looks a like a girl works AT LEAST 75% of the time).

I try not to hold myself to a higher standard that I could realistically accomplish. This is for my own well being.

And I expect Izzy to brush her teeth twice a day on her own initiative. I refuse to nag.

Sometimes I look at the Stepford Moms (as I lovingly call them) as they switch up a perfect hairdo for ANOTHER perfect hairdo in between dance and gymnastics (because you can’t possibly expect your child to perform mediocre tumbling routines with a ponytail because it CLEARLY requires a migraine inducing, eye splitting, tight tight tight bun instead) and I kind of wish I had their drive. It’s not a jealously thing, as most of you know that I’m lucky if my child is there with her underwear on the inside of her clothing, but more of a content notice that things are different. I really have no desire to be that parent. Honestly I just want my kids to be happy, productive members of society who make good, ethical decisions.

Wow, this is a long lead in to this post but in my relax parenting method, it never occurred to me that it was time for Izzy to go to the dentist. I didn’t really think about it until it came up with my dentist that I had a three year old that has never been. And I kind of got yelled at. More like firmly reminded that good dental hygiene needs to start at an early age.

So off Izzy went.

And things went really well.


I was convinced that I was going to have something funny to blog about so I kept calling Chase for an update. And he kept saying that it was just moving forward like expected.


Some days I can’t catch a break. The only out of the ordinary thing was that Izzy insisted on keeping her prize token instead of trading it in for a toy because it was shiny. The kid is like a raccoon. The dentist said her teeth were some of the best three year old teeth he has ever seen. And not one cavity or even irregularity. And so I am affirmed that I am doing something right and I don’t even have to stress myself out on a daily basis.

But I haven’t given up hope that I will get a funny teeth/dentist blog post because have you seen these redneck teeth?

Surely Cam Cam will deliver. I mean, seriously, what baby gets the outside top teeth before the front two? It’s not normal.

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