Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I miss you!

Hey my blogger peeps! I miss you. I just wanted you to know I was thinking about you.

Now that I'm a professional writer (aka an unpaid intern for a magazine on which the primary demographic is male) I write all the time. And it's so cleansing.

But this, of course, is still my favorite outlet. I had to let you know that I turned in my first cover story this week. So exciting. It's a feature about a luxurious product that mainly appeals to men.

So naturally my introduction included a reference to The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. I mean they are the definition of luxury, right?

My horrified husband made me remove it. He said he wouldn't want to read a magazine where their primary readership not only understood but APPRECIATED such a mention of the above listed show.


Of course then I was pissed that I let him read it and plant the seed of self doubt. I mean RHOBH define luxury. I know that, you know that. Apparently a typical man does not know that.

I was tempted to stay true to myself and leave it but alas I could not. I was hoping that my editor would tell me that my intro didn't really make sense so I would have a reason to send the original in. But he didn't. And now the world will never see my beautifully thought out introduction of how I learned everything I need to know to educate the consumer on this wonderful product by watching too much TV.

The point of this story is that I feel that every person should have a partner that talks them back off the ledge. What would I do without mine?

Oh and I just accidentally stapled my finger. So maybe I need a partner that wants to teach me how to use office supplies correctly.

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