Yes my brother-in-law is wearing a wife beater out in public. When he arrived at our room earlier in the morning, I asked him if he wanted to make use of our bathroom to recommence the dressing portion of his morning. His blank stare led me to believe that he had no idea what I was talking about. Just in case you were wondering, I did establish later in the day that this was a laundry issue and he did buy a shirt.
The Burkes' made it to Disneyland! All freakin' 10 of us! A little mini miracle if you ask me. Of course only I had to have my plane held so that I could make it and was then forced to displace an elderly couple so that I could get a seat next to my three year old. Being the last person on the plane tends to make the rest of the passengers grouchy with you (who would have guessed?) and by the time I boarded, all the seats except for two distant ones were taken. By the third plea for help by the flight attendent I knew that I was going to drug off the plane by an angry mob. When the kind woman polietly threatened the crowd by asking who was going to take responsiblity for this "lively" child if we forced to split up, some nice people did give me their primo seats in the second row. I have to be honest though that my trip was starting to look up when I thought I might be able to pass Izzy off for a couple of hours. No such luck. By the time I got to LAX, I was completely frazzled. Wouldn't you be if you were traveling like this?
Chase and Cody rolled in a couple of hours later but for the first few hours of the trip, I was on my own. And I will never do that again. I ended up rolling the stroller plus the luggage across four terminals. NIGHTMARE!
The major problem with Burke vacations is that the men of the family think that vacation means "leave with no plan, arrive with no plan, contiously keep moving, still don't make a plan, disregard tired children by forcing them to keep going and otherwise have no time to chill." Just one trip I want Nicole and I to be in charge. We would have down time plus still be productive because our movements would be fluid and organized. I can hope, can't I?
All of you should have heard grim reaper Nicole as were on the shuttle from the hotel to Disneyland. She kept saying, "You better have fun because we are neeeevvvveeeerrr coming back here." I didn't think it was possible to depress children on their way to the HAPPIEST place on earth. Of course by 8pm that night, I was completely agreeing with her.
The highlight of the trip was our breakfast with the princesses. It was very magical for the girls which made it fun for all. When Izzy saw Princess Aurora come out, she grabbed her autograph book and fell from her chair onto the ground out of excitement. I will never forget the moment because it has been burned into my brain. The look of pure joy made everything worth it.
Of course we did a lot of other things on our vacation. Some highlights...
The Hollywood experience. I have been to CA several times and have never done this, so I thought it was great.
I got to see the home of one my favorite TV shows, The Girls Next Door.
Tori Spelling's childhood manor.
The Osbourne House! Now Christina Aguilera's home.
And last but not least, an In and Out Burger.
What makes this better than your average In & Out? Paris Hilton got arrested here for driving under the influence. I literally threw myself across the limo so I could grab this photo for your viewing pleasure.
Please don't judge me.
1 comment:
I loved reading about your trip, Katie! You are a fabulous sport to take on LAX with the girls for a couple of hours. I couldn't do it!
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