It's so sad! My last baby rolled over for the first time on Saturday, October 24th. I will never again see my own little being roll for the first time. Gasp. Ok, now that I have that out of the way, I can go through the demonstration.
1. Wait for baby to roll over. Make it happen even quicker by gathering around her and staring. Don't be afraid to throw out encouraging words because your three month old can and will comprehend. Remember, newborns exhibit such a high level of focus that it is virtually impossible to distract them.
2. When you start to get bored, and you will, just relax and wait. Babies always do everything on your schedule and this is no exception.
3. When it finally happens, be very excited. This is a huge developmental stage (and I'm not even being sarcastic here).
4. Make sure you clap. If you don't, baby will never, ever roll over again.
5. After you have seen the main event, make sure you also encourage your three year old to practice. You can never be too good at rolling over.
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